About Course
The 9th Islamic Spiritual Health Conference is being held for 3 days.
The main themes of this conference are:
1/ What is it, its foundations, indicators and the relationship between Islamic spiritual health and other dimensions of health
2/ Methodology of Islamic spiritual health
3/ The role of the family institution in Islamic spiritual health
4/ Pathology and strategies for institutionalizing Islamic spiritual health in education
5/ The capacity of academic environments and health services in promoting Islamic spiritual health
6/ The role of media and cyberspace in the Islamic lifestyle
7/ Pathology and strategies for strengthening Islamic spiritual health in media and cyberspace
On the second day of this conference, Dr. Masoud Janbozorgi, a member of the faculty of the Institute of Islamic Studies and a clinical psychologist, addressed the topic of “Investigating the pathology of the country’s education system in terms of Islamic spiritual health.”
This conference began on Wednesday and will continue until Friday.